New short story

You know how ever since the middle of last year I’ve been talking vaguely about a soon-to-be-released short story? Well, it’s taken longer than I hoped, but the story is finally ready to go. It’s called For The Glory Set Before Them, and it will be out towards the end of May.

What’s it about, I hear you ask? Here’s the blurb…

For The Glory Set Before ThemI am Barais neb-Ohel, combat sorcerer under Captain Shansherai. We are summoned to fight and die in service to the All-God and to all Kefira, home of our fathers.

It will, I am told, be glorious.

Widower, diarist, and mediocre sorcerer, Barais neb-Ohel makes an unlikely soldier. When his squad receives orders to reclaim a much-contested fortress from the hated Gisleans, Barais is thrust into the forefront of a long-running war. But the squad’s numbers are few, his own abilities are desperately limited, and as their journey progresses he finds himself questioning the rightness of their cause.

For The Glory Set Before Them is a meditative military fantasy which will draw you deeper into the fascinating world of Kal Arna.

So there you have it! Publication day is May 27. Keep an eye on the Books page for links to various stores.

In other news, I’m continuing to make good progress on The Lordless City. As expected, I’m moving faster as I get into the final third of the book. Word count has passed 120,000, and I’m on track to complete the draft by the end of the year. That’s the first draft, of course — there’ll be plenty of work to follow, but I’m very much looking forward to finishing this draft and getting stuck into revisions and editing.